Notion Templates

Save Time​

Save time and increase productivity instantly by skipping the 20+ hours needed to create a Notion system.

Tried And Tested​

Instead of creating a template from scratch, simply duplicate tried and tested ones that will enhance your workflow.​

Make It Your Own​

Once you have downloaded a template, simply duplicate it to your Notion workspace and make it your own ☀️

Pick your next Notion Adventure

Ace the IELTS: Unlock Band 8

Finally, get that IELTS band you need to get into your dream university.

Daily Student Notion Dashboard​

Your daily companion in your studies helping you stay on track with grades, assignments, syllabus, and homework.​

Thesis Research Notion Template​

Stay on top of your research / capstone with this template.
Follow a clear timeline and never lose another draft again.​

Closet Declutter Template​

Gain an overview of how many pieces you have in your closet, and at last sort out things that don’t serve you and your body any more.​


“The Student Notion Template has transformed my academic life. The dashboard’s easy-to-use interface and extensive features simplified my task and assignment management by a loooot. Combined with the group project template, this has increased my productivity so much! Highly recommend to any student.”​

– Hannah

“The IELTS Dashboard was such a helpful tool in my exam prep. Learning with the template saved me hours of time and I finally got a band 8 after having failed my first exam! The links to other materials that Maria recommends are also very good.”

– Jake

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